Lac Operon: Genes, Regulation and Structure

Lac Operon (Prokaryotes)

Discovered By: François Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961

(1) Genes

Housekeeping genes: “Always cell are on” . Some genes in bacterial cells are important to the life of the cell. Thus their expressions occur constitutively and not subject to regulation.

Inducible gene: “Normally off”. Because it induces or switch on the gene.

Repressible gene: “Normally on”. Because it represses or switches off the gene.

(2) Regulation

Positive Regulation: Activator protein (located near the promoter) binds to the target regulatory site to stimulate transcription (increased rate of transcription).

Negative Regulation: Repressor protein binds to target site and prevents the transcription. Blocks or turns off the expression/transcription ption of genes.

Operon: An operon is a unit of bacterial gene expression and regulation.

Lac Operon: Consists of cis acting structural genes an operator and a promoter, product of lac operon is involved in catabolism of Lactose.

Lac operon codes for enzymes involved is the catabolism of lactose (B-galactoside) that E.coli uses for energy.

 Lactose = Glucose + Galactose.

It is an inducible gene, expressed in the presence of inducers (lactose, allolactose). 

Structure of Lac Operon:

① Regulatory Gene [Lac I; I-gene]

  • Codes for production of Lac repressor protein.
  • Has its own promoters. It is a trans acting” regulatory gene,

② Promoter Gene [Lac P; P-Gene]

  • Binding site for RNA polymerase.

③ Operator Gene [Lac O; O-gene]

  • It is a cis acting site on DNA to which lac repressor binds
  • DNA sequence between Promoter and structural gene from-5 to +21
  • When lac repressor binds to operation it prevents! RNA polymerase from transcription.”
Lac Operon

Structural Gene:

ⅰ) Lac Z: Codes for  β-galactosidase that cleaves lactose glucose + galactose

Lactose → Allolactose (Lactose isomer)

ii) Lac Y: Codes for  β-galactosidase, Permease (found cytoplasmic membrane) helps to transfer lactose from outside to inside of the cell.

iii) Lac A: Codes for β-galactosidase transacetylase. Not essential for lactose metabolism. Role in detoxification by transferring acetyl group from acetyl CoA to  β-galactosides.

Lac Repressor: 

  1. It is a protein that block the expression of lac z, lac y and lac a structural genes
  2.  Lac repressor molecule is a homotetramer made up of four identical subunits with M.W~ 38,000.
  3. Have high affinity for Lac Operator bind.
  4. Lac repressor consists of 2 recognition sites:
  • DNA binding site binds operator sequence of lac operator.
  • Allosteric site bind lactose allosteric effectors or inducers.

Regulation of Lac operon :

Negative regulation of Lac Operon

Inactivation of Lac repressor permits the transcription of the structural genes of the lac operon and allows the translation of the polycistronic mRNA, the enzymes B-galactosides, Permeaks and transacetylase, appears in the cell is a coordinated fashion.

Positive Regulator / Activator: C-AMP – CRP Complex. (Cyclic AMP – CAMP receptor Protein complex)

  • Stabilizes RNA polymerase.
  • The activator protein only works when glucose is absent. CAMP-CRP complex bound to specific base (activation site) in the promoter region.
  • CRP dimer binds to ~ 22 bp segment having consequences of Pentameric sequence. (5′-TGTGA-3′)
  • CRP introduces a >90° bend Into FOMA at its binding site

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