
Definition: Microscopic, eukaryotic unicellular organism commonly motile heterotrophic having one or more nuclei called protozoa.

General Characteristics:

1)Habitat: Protozoans exhibit mainly two forms of life: Free living (aquatic) and parasitic (ecto-endo parasite).

2) Cell size: The body is microscopic and unicellular.

3) Type: They are the simplest and most primitive of all animals.

4) Organisation: They have protoplasmic grade of organisation

5) Body form: Either solitary or colonial.

6) Symmetry: Body symmetry is either none or bilateral or radial or spherical.

7) Protoplasm: Body protoplasm is differentiated into an outer ectoplasm and inner endoplasm.

8) Locomotory Organ. They have fingers like prejection pseudopodia; whiplike flagella; or hair like cilia or none.

9) Nutrition: Nutrition may be holozoic (animal like), holotype (plant like), saprozoic or parasitic.

10) Respiration: They respirate through the body surface by diffusion.

11) Reproduction: Asexual Reproduction (binary/multiple fission; budding, Sporulation) and Sexual Reproduction (Conjugation, Syngany).

Example: Amoeba, Euglena, Opalina, Labyrinthula, Plasmodium, Monocystis, Nosema, Telomyna, Paramyxa, Haplosporidium, Myxobolus, Myxodium, Paramoecium.

Sub Kingdom-Protozoa (Levine et al 1981)

  • (i) Sarcomastigophora 
  • (ii) Labyrinthomorpha
  • (iii) Apicomplexa
  • (iv) Microspora
  • (v) Ascetospora
  • (vi) Myxozoa
  • (vii) Ciliophora 

(i) Sarcomastigophora:)


1)Body: Organisms of this phylum are unicellular on colonial.

2) Locomotory Organ: Locomotion done by pseudopodia flagella or both.

3) Nucleus: Nucleus is of one type, except in heterokaryotic Foraminifera.

4) Reproduction: They reproduce by both asenual and sexual method.

5) Nutrition: They are autotrophic, saprozoic or heterotrophic.

Example: Amoeba sp., Euglena sp., Opalina sp. etc.

(ii) Labyrinthomorpha 🙂


1) Body Shape: They are spindle shaped, non-amoeboid cells.

2) Locomotion: They locomote from one place to another by gliding movement on the mucous tract. 

3) Nutrition: They are saprozoic or parasitic on algae & seagrass.

4) Spores: Zoospores are produced by most species.

Example: Labyrinthula sp.; Labyrinthomorpha sp. etc.

(iii)Apicomplexa 🙂

General Characteristics

1)Habitat: All species are parasitic in nature.

2) Apical Complex: Anterior part of the body forms apical complex to penetrate/hold the host cells.

3) Polar rings: Apical complexes are made up of polar rings.

4) Locomotion: Locomotory organelles are absent.

5) Reproduction: They have both Asexual phase [Schizogony, Sporogony] and Sexual phase [Gametogony] for reproduction.

6) Spores: They produce spores called microspores at some stage, so they are also called sporozoa.

Example: Plasmodium sp., Monocystis sp. etc.

(iv) Microspora🙂

General Characteristics:

1)Body: Spores are unicellular, obligate intracellular parasites.

2) Spore: Spores are the only stage of the life cycle capable of existing outside the host and in infective stage.

3) Reproduction: They reproduce in the host by producing spores (sporogony).

4) Layer of Spores: Spores surrounded by thick double layers called cyst wall. Outer layer: Exospore (proteinaccons) and inner layer: Endospore (Chitinous)

5) Polar tube: They have polar tubes and polar caps in spores.

6) Mitochondria: Mitochondria absent. They have mitosomes.


7) Sporoplasm: They are uninucleate or binucleate.

Example: Nasema sp., Telomyxa sp. etc 

(v) Ascetospora🙂

General Characteristics:

1)Spores: Most of cases spores are multicellular.

2) Sporoplasm: Spares with one or more sporoplasm.

3) Habitat: They are intracellular parasites.

4) Polar capsules: Spores without polar capsules or polar filament

Example: Paramyxa sp.; Haplosporidium sp. etc.

(vi) Myxozoa🙂

General Characteristics:

1)Habitat: They are endoparasites.

2) Spores: They reproduce by multicellular spores.

3) Sporoplasm: They have one sporoplasm.

4) Polar capsules: They have one or more polar capsules.

5) Valves: Each spore with 1,2 or 3 (rarly more) valves.

Example: Myxobolus sp., Myxidium sp.

(vii) Ciliophora:)

General Characteristics:

1)Habitat: They are found in freshwater- ponds, rivers, and damp soil.

2) Locomotion: Locomotory organ of this phylum is cilia (hair-like).

3) Nucleus: Nucleus are of two types – Macro & micro nucleus.

4) Reproduction: Reproduction done by Asexual (Transverse fission) or Sexual (Conjugation) method.

5) Nutrition: They are heterotrophic [free living / Parasite]

6) Vacuole:  Presence of Contractile vacuole.

Example: Paramoecium sp., Tetrahymena sp.; Balantidium sp. etc.

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