Some facts about various microbes, plants & animals along with their scientific names.
- Largest Bacteria: Thiomargarita magnifica
- Smallest Bacteria:Mycoplasma genitalium
- Largest Virus : Variola major
- Smallest Virus: Rhino virus
- Largest animal cell : Egg of Ostrich
- Longest plant cell : Acetabularia
- Largest Flower : Rafflesia arnoldi
- Smallest Flower: Wolffia arrhiza
- Largest & Longest Angiosperm tree: Eucalyptus regans
- Smallest Angiosperm tree: Zamia sp.
- Longest Gymnosperm: Sequoia sempervirens
- Largest phylum according to number of species: Arthropoda
- Smallest phylum according to number of species: Ctenophora
- Largest invertebrate : Squid
- Smallest invertebrate : Rotifers or Wheel animal
- Largest fish: Rhincodon typus
- Smallest fish: Philippine goby
- Largest amphibia : Andrias davidianus (Chinese Giant Salamander)
- Smallest amphibia: Eleutherodactylus iberia (Monte Iberia eleuth)
# Snake
- Largest snake : Eunectes murinus ( Anaconda)
- Longest snake : Malayopython reticulatus (Reticulated Python)
- Smallest snake : Leptotyphlops
# Birds
- Largest bird : Struthio camelus (Ostrich)
- Largest sea bird : Diomedea exulans (Albatross)
- Smallest bird : Mellisuga helenae (Humming Bird)
- Fastest bird : Falco perigrinus (Peregrine Falcon)
- Largest mammal : Balaenoptera musculus (Blue Whale)
- Largest land mammal : Loxodonta africana (African Elephant)
- Longest mammal : Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe)
- Smallest mammal : Suncus etruscus (Etruscan Shrew )
- Fastest Mammal : Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah)
#Body Parts
- Largest organ/part : Skin
- Strongest part : Enamel of tooth
- Largest gland: Liver
- Largest endocrine gland: Thyroid gland
- Largest Salivary gland: Parotid gland
- Smallest gland: Pineal gland
- Largest and Strongest bone in the body: Femur(thigh bone)
- Smallest bone in the body: Stapes in ear
- Largest muscle in the body: Gluteus Maximus or Buttock Muscle
- Smallest muscle in the body: Stapedius
- Strongest muscle: Masseter muscle on jaw
- Largest and longest nerve: Sciatic Nerve
- Longest cell: Neurons (nerve cells)
#Blood Vessels
- Largest artery: Aorta
- Largest vein: Inferior Vena Cava
- Largest white blood cells: Monocytes
- Smallest white blood cells: Lymphocyte