Birds are fascinating creatures with a myriad of unique features.
Did you know that the Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, weighing less than a penny?
On the other end of the scale, the Ostrich is the largest, capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour.
American Robin (Turdus migratorius):
Found across North America, the American Robin is known for its red breast and melodious song.
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus):
The national bird of the United States, the Bald Eagle is known for its striking white head and fierce demeanour.
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus):
The fastest animal on the planet, reaching speeds of over 240 miles per hour during its hunting dives.
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus):
With distinctive tufts of feathers on its head resembling horns, this owl is a formidable nocturnal predator found throughout the Americas.
European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris):
Originally native to Europe, this bird is now widely distributed in North America, known for its iridescent plumage and mimicry abilities.
Common Swift (Apus apus):
These birds spend almost their entire lives in the air, even sleeping and mating on the wing during their migratory journeys.
Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica):
With their colourful bills and penguin-like appearance, Atlantic Puffins are famous for their adorable looks and excellent diving skills.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris):
The only hummingbird species that breeds in eastern North America, known for its iridescent plumage and rapid wing beats.
Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis):
Known for its vibrant red plumage and melodious song, the Northern Cardinal is a popular backyard bird in North America.
Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica):
Known for its striking black and white plumage and its habit of collecting shiny objects, the Eurasian Magpie is a highly intelligent bird.
Common Raven (Corvus corax):
One of the largest songbirds, the Common Raven is known for its deep, croaking calls and its intelligence, often associated with myths and folklore.
Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos):
Renowned for its ability to mimic the songs of other birds and even mechanical sounds, the Northern Mockingbird is a versatile vocalist found throughout North America.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus):
Also known as the sea hawk or fish eagle, the Osprey is a specialised fish-eating bird of prey found near water bodies worldwide.
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis):
With its distinctive brick-red tail, this widespread hawk species is a common sight in open habitats across North America.
Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis):
Known for its vibrant blue and orange plumage, the Common Kingfisher is a skilled fisher found near streams, rivers, and lakes across Eurasia.
Barn Owl (Tyto alba):
With its heart-shaped face and ghostly appearance, the Barn Owl is a nocturnal hunter known for its silent flight and keen hearing.
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos):
One of the largest birds of prey, the Golden Eagle is known for its impressive size, agility, and powerful talons, found in mountainous and open terrain across the Northern Hemisphere.