Zoology Terms and their Meaning

Some of the Zoology Terms and their Meaning are discussed below. The terms are taken from taxonomic hierarchy – Phylum, Class, Order etc. The words are taken from either Greek or Latin word. The meaning of the terms will help you to understand the origin of the word.

Terms of Non-Chordates :

1) Systematics: Systema = together

2) Nomenclature: Nomen = name; Clautura = calling

3) Porifera: Porous = pare ferre = to bear

4) Calcarea: Calcarious = limy

5) Calcispongiae: Calcis – lime or chalk

6) Hexactinellida; Hex = Six; aktis = ray; ell = suffix added

7) Hyalospongiae: Hyaleos = glassy

8) Demospongiae: Demos = people

9) Cnidaria: Knide = stinging cells.

10) Hydrozoa: Hydros = water 

11) Scyphozoa: Skyphos = cup

12) Cubozoa: Cubo = cube

13) Anthozoa: Anthos = flower

14) Ctenophora: Ktenes = Combs ; ophora = bearing

15) Platyhelminthes: Platys = flat; helminthes = worms

16) Turbellaria: Turbella = a little string.

17) Trematoda: Trematodes = perforated.

18) Monogenea: Monos = single; genos = race

19) Cestoidea (Cestoda): Kestos = girdle; cestus = ribbon; eidos= form

20) Nematoda: Nematos = thread ; eidos = form

21) Adenophorea: Adenophorea = gland bearing.

22) Annelida: Annela, annulatus = little ring.

23) Polychaeta: Poly = many; chaeta = setae/bristles

24) Oligochaeta: Oligos = few ; chaeta = bristles

25) Hirudinea: Hirudo = a leech

26) Arthropoda: Arthron = a joint; podos = foot, leg

27) Trilobita: Tri = three; lobos = lobe ; morphe = shape

28) Chelicerata: Chele = claw

29) Merostomata: Meros = thigh ; stomatos mouth

30) Arachnida: Arachne = spider

31) Crustacea: Crusta = hard shell

32) Ostracoda: Ostrakodes = testaceous resembling a shell

33) Copepoda: Kope = handle

34) Cirripedia: Cirrus = curled; pedis = foot

35) Malacostraca: Malakos = soft; ostracon = a shell

36) Uniramia: Uniramos= single branch 

37) Chilopoda: Cheilos = a lip

38) Diplopoda: Diplos = double

39) Insecta: In = into; sectus = cleft, cut ;  insecti = insect

Butterfly Zoology Terms

40) Mollusca: Mollis = soft

41) Aplacophora: A=without ; plakos = a sheet, sheet of wood; phoros= bearing

42) Polyplacophora: Poly = many ; plakos = a sheet of wood.

43) Monoplacophora: Mono= single ; plakos = sheet of wood ; phoros = bearing

44) Gastropoda: Gastros = stomach ; podos = foot.

45) Bivalvia: bi=two; valvae = folding doors

46) Scaphopoda: Skaphe = a boat ; podos= foot,

47) Cephalopoda: Kephale = head ; podos = foot

48) Echinodermata: Echinos= spiny; derma = skin

49) Crinozoa: Crinon = lily 

50) Asterozoa: Aster = star

51) Ophiuroidea: Ophis = snake ; oura = tail ; aidos= form

52) Echinozoa: Echinos = a hedge hog

53) Holothuroidea: Holothurian = a water polyp

Terms of Chordates :

1) Chordata: Chorde = cord, string

2) Urochordata: Uros = tail; chorde = string

3) Cephalochordata: Kephale = head ; chorda = string

4) Agnatha: A=without; gnathos = jaw

5) Cyclostomata: Cyklos = Circular ; stoma = mouth.

6) Chondrichthyes: Chondros = Cartilage;  ichthys = fish

7) Sarcopterygii: Sarcos = fleshy ; pterygium = fin

8) Actinopterygii: Actis = ray ; pteryx = fin.

9) Osteichthyes: Osteon = bone; icthys = fish

10) Amphibia: Amphi = dual; bios = life

11) Anura: A = without;  uros = tail

12) Apoda: A = without; podos = foot.

13) Urodela: Uros = tail ; delos = visible

14) Reptilia: Repere, reptum = to creep, crawl

15) Anapsida: A= without; apsis= arch

16) Chelonia: Chelone = tortoise

17) Lepidosauria: Lepis = scale ; squaros = lizard.

18) Rhynchocephalia: Rhynchos= a snout ; Kephale = a head.

19) Squamata: Squamatas = scaly.

20) Crocodilia: Crocodilus = Crocodile

Zoology terms

21) Mammalia:

22) Prototheria: Protos = first ; therion = beast.

23) Theria: Therion = beast

24) Metatheria: Meta = next to

25) Marsupialia: Marsupium = a sac.

26) Eutheria: Eu=true; therion = beast.

27) Insectivora: Insecta = insects ; voro= to eat.

28) Chiroptera: Cheir = hand ; pteron = wing.

29) Dermoptera: Derma = skin ; pteron = wing.

30) Edentata: E/ex=without ; dens = tooth.

31) Pholidota: Pholis = scale.

32) Primates: Primes = first.

33) Rodentia: Rodere = to gnaw

34) Lagomorpha: logos = hare ; morph = form

35) Cetacea: Cetas = whale

36) Carnivora: Carno = flesh ; voro to eat.

37 Tubilidentata: Tubulus = small tube; dens = teeth

38) Hyracoidea: Hyrax = shrew ; eides = form.

39) Sirenia: Siren = sea nymph.

40) Perrisodactyla: Perissos = odd ; dactylos= finger.

41) Artiodactyla: Artios = even ; dactylos = finger

These Zoology Terms and their Meaning bring help you to understand the species belonging with that special characters.

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