Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates

Comparative anatomy of vertebrates examines the structural similarities and differences across different vertebrate groups, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates

Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates :

Characters Fish/Pisces Amphibian Reptile AvesMammals 
Habitat Aquatic Aquatic & Terrestrial Terrestrial/ Aquatic TerrestrialTerrestrial/ Aquatic 
Body Temperature PoikilothermPoikilotherm Poikilotherm HomeothermHomeotherm 
Locomotory organ/ LimbsFinsFore limb- 4 digit
Hind limb- 5 digit
or limbless
Pentadactyl limbs
Limbless- Snake
Fore limb- wings
Hind limb- 4 digit 
Pentadactyl limbs
Fore limb- wings (Bat)
EndoskeletonCartilaginous/ BonyBonyBonyPneumatic boneBony
Exoskeleton Dermal scales __Epidermal scalesEpidermal scale, claw, beak, featherHair, nail, horn, claw, hoof
Stomach Simple or absent Simple elongated with gastric glandSingle chambered long or roundedTwo chamber -Proventriculus
Single chamber or
4 chamber in ruminants 
Respiration Gills/ AROGill/ Skin/ LungLungLungLung
Heart 2 chambered 3 chambered3 and ½ chambered 
4 chambered (crocodiles)
4 chambered4 chambered 
Excretion Ammonia Urea (adult)
Ammonia (Larva/tailed species)
Uric acid Uric acid Urea
Kidney Mesonephric Mesonephric Metanephric Metanephric Metanephric 
Urinary Bladder Absent PresentPresent or absent Absent Present 
SkullMonocondylic DicondylicMonocondylic MonocondylicDicondylic 
Cranial nerve 10 pairs10 pairs12 pairs12 pairs12 pairs
RBCNucleated Nucleated Nucleated Nucleated Enucleated 
Fertilization External External
 Internal -(Urodeles)
Internal Internal Internal 
Reproductive modesOviparous OviparousOviparousOviparousViviparous
ExamplesScoliodon sp.
Labeo rohita
Mystus sp.
Bufo sp.
Ichthyophis sp.
Salamandra sp.
Hemidactylus sp.
Naja naja
Crocodylus sp.
Columbia libia
Bubo bubo
Corvus sp.
Homo sapiens
Panthera leo
Rhinoceros sp.
Table: Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates

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